Practice What You Preach

  Today was one of those days. I was awake early, as usual, and I felt my heart race with a subtle flutter of anxiety. Typically, this anxiety shows up on Monday morning when I am getting charged up for the week ahead. Yet today is Wednesday. I had to ask myself why. Upon quick [...]

2017-06-08T15:10:22+00:00June 8th, 2017|daily life, humanity, positive thinking|Comments Off on Practice What You Preach

Talking to Strangers

When I was a child, I remember always hearing parents tell their kids, “when you are out, don’t talk to strangers. It is dangerous.” I can appreciate that point of view as I am a mother of three daughters, and I am always concerned with their safety. However, now that I am older and I [...]

2017-02-02T14:41:32+00:00February 2nd, 2017|daily life, humanity|Comments Off on Talking to Strangers

Let The Sunshine In

It is one of those days. You know those days when despite all of the positive experiences and emotions, you just don't feel right. Today is that day for me. Following the publishing of my book just three months ago, I feel so grateful to the universe for bringing incredible people in to my life. [...]

2019-09-28T18:35:30+00:00August 30th, 2016|fear, humanity, positive thinking, slowing down|Comments Off on Let The Sunshine In
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