Why Ask Why
How many times a day do you ask yourself “why?” Why did I just do that or say that or think that? I know that I have been asking myself that question for as long as I can remember. In [...]
Overcoming Fear – Everyone Needs a Little PLC
Yesterday, while coaching one of my executive clients, we began to speak about what it feels like to walk into a meeting that has an open agenda. The premise might be that it is a planning meeting, but without any [...]
A Must Read Sales Thriller!
I must admit that I never thought I would read a business book that I couldn’t put down. My reading style is very traditional in that I love to write notes in the margins and underline important points. Well, I [...]
What Does it Take to Find Your Purpose?
It has been 10 months since joining the world of entrepreneurship, and I find myself sitting in my newly transformed home office in a place of reflection. I have spent over 25 years working in high tech sales and sales [...]
Will the Real You Please Stand Up?
Tips for Delivering an Authentic Speech In the last thirty days, I had the pleasure of speaking at two corporate conferences. What I realized following these events is that I have truly found my passion and purpose. Years ago, when [...]
Practice What You Preach
Today was one of those days. I was awake early, as usual, and I felt my heart race with a subtle flutter of anxiety. Typically, this anxiety shows up on Monday morning when I am getting charged up for [...]
The True Human Connection
As I sit at my desk preparing for the presentation of a lifetime, I reflect on what I have done in the past to pull together an inspiring and memorable talk. The elements are consistent independent of the content [...]
Believe in You
This past weekend I took a midday break to go to the gym. With the rain behind us and the sun shining, I felt more energized than I have in months. When I worked out, I did something that I don’t [...]
Technology and the Human Connection – Revisited
Six months ago, I wrote an article about the power of human connection and how technology helps us stay connected. Since then, I have engaged in even more daily conversations about the importance, yet current lack, of human connection. The [...]
Reach out to me by any of the links or buttons below. I would love to connect, have a conversation, and see how we can work together in a great way that would benefit both of us. Thanks for visiting my site and I look forward to hearing from you soon! ~Amy