Life Is A Jungle Gym

Do you ever have one of those weeks when nothing seems to make you happy? Well, this must be my week. It is often hard for me to share that life isn't always "magic and miracles" because then I feel like a fraud. But, truth be told, I have hard days, too.  I cannot point [...]

2016-11-22T18:16:35+00:00June 23rd, 2016|daily life, fun, slowing down|Comments Off on Life Is A Jungle Gym

Life Can Change In A Moment

I have three daughters. I have three amazing daughters. We probably all say that about our children even when they do things that we don't like. Regardless of their mistakes, we still love them and want to protect them. Keeping them safe from harm is my number one priority next to loving them unconditionally. At [...]

2016-11-22T18:31:19+00:00June 11th, 2016|daily life, fun, parenting|Comments Off on Life Can Change In A Moment

Real Life As A Vacation

Returning from a week away is never easy. On my flight home from Florida, I came down with a fever and chills. Nothing like a rude re-entry. Somehow, however, I was at peace with it. My week in Florida was everything a vacation should be... a time to recharge, reflect and relax. So often I [...]

2019-09-28T18:45:15+00:00April 28th, 2016|daily life, fun, life|Comments Off on Real Life As A Vacation

Ringing in the New Year

Wow!! It is December 31, 2015, and I cannot believe what a tremendous year this has been. I am grateful for everything I have experienced. We all tend to reflect on the year, often running from what we didn’t like with thoughts of “I can’t wait to start over. Fresh start. New beginnings …” I, [...]

2016-11-22T19:02:23+00:00January 1st, 2016|daily life, fun|Comments Off on Ringing in the New Year
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